Ladies, Know Your Worth

THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) Ladies, Know Your Worth Jeremiah 10:23 I know, God, that mere mortals can't run their own lives, That men and women don't have what it takes to take charge of life. Note: Talking to my Ladies;π©π©π© "FIND YOUR WORTH IN GOD NOT IN MEN." enough of the seductive postures, gestures & acts on photos, in videos & posts all over social media just to get a good number of men like you, trip for you, calling you & coming to see you. You look at yourself in the mirror & call yourself sauce, soup, stew, hot etc. and think that's true influence, fame & power to get men tied to your waist not mindful that's Jezebel/marine spirit's attributes found at work in you which leads straight to hell. Wake up from your sleep ladies and shake off those craps and garbages now. "LOCATE YOUR PURPOSE FAST, KINDLE IT WITH THE FIRE OF PASSION AND YOU WILL GENERATE THE POWER TO RUN AFTER YOUR DESTINY WITH PRECISION. RU...