Thank God we Don't Look Like What We've Been Through

THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) Thank God we Don't Look Like What We've Been Through Writer: O.A Rachel. There were days we were looking at the walls of our world as they crumble. We got shattered and battered, disorganized and disfigured, scattered and squeezed. We thought life doesn't worth given a trial. Friends broke us Families tore us apart Strangers said we are nonentities. Love was no where to be found. We hated who we were and the future us. We were regular patronizers of pain and depression. We've thought of suicide not once not twice but also the thought of committing suicide on the basis of the us we know and not the us we are yet to meet, the thought of eternity in pain kept us from that nasty ugly decision. Everyone has talents but ours was long lost in the deep and we get it echoed always that we are empty vessels not even worthy of care and affection. We were written off by so many, we lost hope.. We were even ashamed of ourselves. But now.....