
THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) Confession! Too often we live on a lower plane than what God intended for us, so when He unexpectedly shows up in His power, we are shocked. This is because growing up, we were fed with information contrary to our true identity in God. We were taught to accept status below what God originally intended for us. And we believed those fake reports about us because we knew not better. Those wrong information we were fed with eventually framed our thought pattern and gave us a mindset to life contrary to who God says we are. It is on the basis of those thoughts we have been speaking, and because words have life, 90% of the predicaments we often find ourselves in is the outcome of our confession about ourselves. There is a formula for confession that can help you to live your best life. Confession in Greek is homologeo which means to say what has been said. And that is the formula. The law for confession means to repeat what God has said. A law i...