
Showing posts from July, 2017


THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) TMS May 6th 2017 Seminar Material THEME: VOCAL ANATOMY TOPIC: ANATOMY OF THE VOCAL CORDS INSTRUCTOR: EJE JOEL OMOJO  INTRODUCTION Psalms 96:1 O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. The scripture above commands all earth to sing to the Lord a new song. Although all creatures and creation produce sound in different ways to glorify God, human begins sing with a structure called the vocal cords with a major support of the larynx (voice box) to the vocal cords.  VOCAL CORDS The vocal cords are commonly known as the vocal folds or reeds but the most preferred clinical name is called vocal cord: composed of twin in folding of mucus membrane stretched horizontally from back to front across the larynx. Vocal cords are two folds of tissue which protrude from the sides of the larynx to form a narrow slit (glottis) across the air passage. Fig I Diagram showing the vocal cords and its ...


THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) Music is a mysterious thing. Music is, in other words, a power, and a very ambiguous power at that! Music carries such power and abilities to do what it’s doing, using people mostly as its ally (Musically = Music-ally), because of who authored it. (Talking about GOD). Pure and True Music comes from God. So, we can see some attributes of God in Music. Someone said, Music is the face of God… Have you entered a barbing salon to cut your hair or sit in an eatery either alone or with friends to catch some fun and Music was playing in the background, suddenly, you either begging to tap your leg, nod your head or even hum in response to the Music even when you don’t understand the message behind the Music yet? Sometimes you don’t even care to listen to the lyric. That is what Music can do to you. It has the ability to move your three parts (spirit, soul and body) at ones without first allowing you to assimilate it. I think only Music has such ability....


THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS)  27 April, 2017. Seminar material 3 THEME: UNDERSTANDING MUSIC TOPIC:   UNDERSTANDING MUSIC INSTRUCTOR: KINGSLEY OKUAKAGI Whosoever understands music should be able to move his audience with his music. The knowledge of Music theory does not make you a musician, only a music professor. Music theory is simply for the communication and storage of musical compositions. Love for music and the theoretical knowledge of it aren't enough. Music should be done by those gifted to do it. It's secular music, not circular, lol. From a single standpoint you cannot tell what good music is. To make good music you have to answer the following questions: by who, for whom, where, why, when Debate: What is more important in a song? The sound of the music or the message? Music is like visual art. No matter the meaning of a painting if it isn't beautiful nobody will buy it. The children of the world are indeed wise. They use pleasant s...


THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) 20 April, 2017. Seminar material 3 THEME: UNDERSTANDING MUSIC TOPIC: ORIGIN OF MUSIC INSTRUCTOR: BENJAMIN ELIZABETH Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, even the gift of prophecy reveals only a part of the whole picture - 1 Corinth 13:9.   Origin is the point or place from where something begins or is created. Music has no all inclusive definition because it is what you understand it to be. However, for the purpose of this write up, music as defined by Oxford dictionary is sounds that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to . It further defines sound to be continuous rapid movement called vibration that travel through air or water and can be heard when they reach a person's or an animal's ear.     Theories have been developed by men to explain the origin or evolution of music. Chief amongst them are the adaptationist theory which proposes that music is a product of natural selection whic...