THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) TMS May 6th 2017 Seminar Material THEME: VOCAL ANATOMY TOPIC: ANATOMY OF THE VOCAL CORDS INSTRUCTOR: EJE JOEL OMOJO INTRODUCTION Psalms 96:1 O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. The scripture above commands all earth to sing to the Lord a new song. Although all creatures and creation produce sound in different ways to glorify God, human begins sing with a structure called the vocal cords with a major support of the larynx (voice box) to the vocal cords. VOCAL CORDS The vocal cords are commonly known as the vocal folds or reeds but the most preferred clinical name is called vocal cord: composed of twin in folding of mucus membrane stretched horizontally from back to front across the larynx. Vocal cords are two folds of tissue which protrude from the sides of the larynx to form a narrow slit (glottis) across the air passage. Fig I Diagram showing the vocal cords and its ...