20 April, 2017. Seminar material 3
Now our
knowledge is partial and incomplete, even the gift of prophecy reveals only a
part of the whole picture - 1 Corinth 13:9.
Origin is the point or place from where
something begins or is created. Music has no all inclusive definition because
it is what you understand it to be. However, for the purpose of this write up,
music as defined by Oxford dictionary is sounds
that are arranged in a way that is pleasant or exciting to listen to. It
further defines sound to be continuous
rapid movement called vibration that travel through air or water and can be
heard when they reach a person's or an animal's ear.
Theories have
been developed by men to explain the origin or evolution of music. Chief
amongst them are the adaptationist theory which proposes that music is a
product of natural selection which originated as a result of biological
evolution due to the survival value for human ancestors. In other words, just
as man evolved from the Stone Age to our present age in order to survive, so
also did music evolve. This school propose that music was used by Man for
sexual purposes in order to aid courtship, to aid parental care and serve as a
mechanism to promote coercion within groups.
There's also the Non-adaptationist theory
which posits music as an invention of Man built from pre-existing brain
functions such as language, emotional vocalization and so on.
All of these
theories places man at centre of music. They therefore do not explain the
activities of music in nature talk about rivers, trees, oceans etc.
ancient times sound itself, the very basis of all music, was thought to be
intimately related in some way to non-physical and sacred dimensions or planes
of existence. Why was this? Because audible sound was considered to be but an
earthly reflection of a vibratory activity taking place beyond the physical
world. This vibration was more fundamental, and nearer to the heart of the
meaning of things, than any audible sound.
Inaudible to human ear, this Cosmic
Vibration was the origin and basis of all matter and energy in the universe. In
its purest, least differentiated form, this Cosmic Sound was known to the
Hindus as OM… This quote from The Secret Power of Music by David
Tam, explains music as being a result of an activity that happened beyond the
earthly realms. This is roughly in line with most religious views of music i.e.
as being divinely originated. It thus explains the presence of music in almost
all spiritual acts of worship to please one deity or the other.
For the ancient Greeks, music was viewed as
quite literally a gift from the gods. The invention of specific instruments is
attributed to particular deities: Hermes the lyre, Pan the syrinx (panpipes)
and Athena the aulos (flute). In Greek mythology the Muses personified the
various elements of music (in the wide Greek sense of the term) and were said
to entertain the gods on Mt. Olympus with their divine music, dancing, and
As Christians we make reference to the Bible
in seeking answers.
Music is a
creation of God. God created it and connected it to our senses and emotions
such that when we praise God through this form of worship, a unique connection
is made between us and the creator and we bond through our heart, mind, soul
and emotions.
It has evolved over the centuries in man’s hands, depending on the various times, places and the
inspiration of the individual composer. But it was the Creator, God Himself who
put in place, all the laws governing the world of sound, also giving man the
ability to work with them artistically and scientifically. In that sense, the
God who made the universe, the Earth and all life upon it also created music.
All the
Angels sang in unison together in heaven before creation Job 38:1, 4, 7
“And the Lord answered Job… Where were you when I laid the
foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding…When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for
joy?” (Morning stars are symbolic Of angels)
Music began by having its focus on God. God
sits between the cherubim in heaven and they have an important role in heaven
to hover around God’s throne worshiping Him continually
(1 kings 8:7, psalms 99:1, 1 chronicles 28:14). In Revelations, all of the
singing done was in reverence to God. (Rev. 4:8,11 5;9,12,13 7:10,12 17:3,4
etc). David a man of music enjoined us in psalms to sing unto the Lord (psalms
30:4, 33:2-3, 105:2, 98:4) He even wrote psalms of nature singing to God
(psalms 65:13). Most of the records of the Israelites singing was in relation
to God.
Conclusively (as a Christian), music
originated from God and suffice it to say that when God poured His breath into
man, music being a part of God was also deposited in us.
Also, everything exists to give glory to God.
Since music is occupies a high place in the glorification of God, all of
creations including nature have no but to be involved in music.
Music, Biological
Evolution and the Brain by Aniruddh D. Patel.
Elmond Isaiah
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