IN PURSUIT OF MUSICAL EXCELLENCE (PREVIEW) BY ELMOND ISAIAH IN PURSUITE OF MUSICAL EXCELLENCE Excellence is the quality of being outstanding or superior in a thing, or over everything as in the case of God. Excellence is what it feels like to have a true taste and feels of God’s mind and desire over everything. It is quite unfortunate that many people including those in the kingdom are always satisfied with the state of moderate quality called ‘mediocre’ in about 85% of their life’s engagements. They have little or no passion and self-motivation driving them for a purposeful life, so they just stop at the middle of the road for anything and feels that’s their best. I think those kind of people need a renewal of mind because many of them are not lacklusters as they have believed themselves to be. Not when they are in GOD. Jesus our elder brother after encouraging us in Matthew 5 to leave out our GOD-created identity (leaving generous...