TMS MEDITATION Intercession Question: "Why does the child of God need Jesus to intercede for him? Answer: Rom. 12:2. _And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God._ Easy to Read version: _Do not let yourselves be like the people who belong to this world. But instead, let God change how you think. Then you will become new people. You will be able to understand what God wants you to do. You will understand what is good. You will understand what makes God happy. And you will understand how to live completely as God wants you to live._ At the New Birth, our spirits receive the life of God. The next need is that our minds be renewed, and this is a process. Before we came into the Family of God, we walked as natural men. Satan-ruled men. Satan ruled our minds. Now that our spirits have received the life of God, our minds must be renewed so that w...