The word musically is an adverb indicating the modification of the existence of the state or condition of music now from where it was and where it always desire to be.
Music is a living thing, she consistently speak to us and desire that we know and understand  every single word she says and be a channel or a medium through she can reach all people to bless them and relief them from the various struggles and stresses of this life.
Musically is a word that is derived from another word called music.
Even though the word musically is made up of four syllables, it is a combination of three words merged together: Mu-Sic-Ally.
Syllabically it will be mu/si/cal/ly.
Musically = Music – ally, which means to be an ally to music.
Music is considered the mother of all science, inventions and innovation.
Music = mu – sic.
Where: Mu = mother
Sic = science.
So, if you put them together you will have:
Mother science as music.
Music is the mother of all science (inventions and innovations inclusive as they are part of science). What a refreshing knowledge! But let’s just stay with the word ally from musically for now. Many of us have used the word musically with little or no understanding of what it means. You hear people say: she is musically inclined, is he musically endowed? And so on. Am glad you are going to learn the real meaning of this word which will completely change your musical perspective and perception for life like it did to me when I got this illumination.
One of the definitions of ally in the English dictionary is to unit, or form a connection between, as between families by “marriage”, or between princess and states by treaty, league, or confederacy. So, to add ally to music we have musically, which means to be united or have a strong connection with music as though with a bond of marriage (coming and connected by God and from GOD).
Another definition of ally means to connect or form a relation between by “similitude, resemblance, friendship, or love”. This simply means your relationship with music is not on the surface each time you assume yourself in a position of being musically (music-ally). You are simply saying you resemble music, you and music are so similar that you can hardly be separated from her. You and music are in love; GOD is that love and GOD is the author of music! This is true because you may even want to know why medicals call the heart beat automatic rhythmicity (the quality or state of having a rhythm).
Man is made up of music, man is wired with music, and man is hard wired to respond to music! We will explore more of this in my coming book titled The Mystery Of Sound vol. 1” volume 1. Watch out for it soon…
An ally is anything associated with another as a helper, a medium, a vessel, a channel in which something happens. You mean you are an ally to music anytime you say and agree to be musically. You are musically only when “Music finds expression through you”. So, it is never about you but all about the music! Godly music of course. You help music pass the message she’s carrying. But how will you allow music complete her mission if you do not listen and give proper attention to all her components?
Listening is a huge element of not just music but life in general which needs urgent attention. You can only get the best of anything when you properly listen to it. To harness the beauty of music and to be her ally you must always listen to what she has to offer per time. Never impose what you feel is right to music. Never impose your self-composed styles on music. In fact don’t even implore a style from another pattern of music to another without first consulting music to know if she will like that in the new pattern you want to do or not. This is what makes a great difference between musicians. This is one major factor that determine how long your song last in the market and in the minds of people. Great musicians always listen even to musical inner voices. That is why you can hear many of papa Marvin Sapp’s, Fred Harmmond’s etc. songs of over 10years ago still very fresh now. But where is most of our local songs that was composed and sang about last 5years ago?… its lost already due to the composer’s inability to listen to music to know if the structure they used for those songs’ composition was what music wanted. Great musicians who are true sons in the kingdom do not just pray and fast over songs before they do them, they also sought for excellence in everything that has to do with music and its author (God).
You will be surprise to hear that the number of hours you should take only on listening is suppose to surpass the number of hours you take to score a song. You must always listen to know what music wants per time. Music speaks to you even when you are not playing, singing or listening to her. You can even see music if your awareness is broad enough.
Are you now musically (music-ally)?



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