Habakkuk 2:20
"But oh! God is in his holy Temple!
Quiet everyone—a Holy silence. Listen!"

Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Although the word soaking is not really a scriptural metaphor, it is a term we use to describe a moment of rest, waiting in stillness for the Holy Spirit to fill us again with the Father's love. It can be after prayers, worship session etc. Or you just wait in silence for Him.
The key to the “secret place” is “soaking!”

Soaking is when you rest in God's presence doing nothing but listening and listening to Him alone.
"Soaking" is another term for "active rest". (Listening to Him is the active part while doing nothing is the resting part). That was exactly what happened between Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42).
With all the effort of Martha to give a nice and befitting treatment to Jesus who she sincerely love, and His disciples. Jesus still said Mary chose the best part by just sitting down at His feet to listen to Him. That's soaking. It's clear that Mary was hungry and desperate for more of the Father's glory and love.
It's in soaking that the Father adequately breath upon you, rub Himself on you and you go about smelling God. Things begin to fall in pleasant places for you. Soaking helps you get acquitted with the Father's voice. It gets you fully registered and familiarize you with the dealings of God. It takes you straight to the throne room, to a place where God the Father can look at you, then turn to the Word and the Spirit and say.... Shall I do anything without first revealing it to Elmond Isaiah my friend? (Put your name instead if you will).

Soaking is more effective with the right music at the background!

How do i know if i need to 'soak'?

¶ If you are spiritually dry, soaking can revitalize your spirit.

¶ If you long to move more powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit, soaking can help you hear God clearer.

¶ If you are looking for fresh vision and direction in life, soaking can bring it to you.

¶ If you are hurting inside, soaking can ease the pain. (Hurting people hurt other people.... Soaking will heal you faster and help you love and trust again by faith).

¶ If you are about to start something new and need the Lord's strengthening, soaking can refresh you and give you the whole strength you need to run.

¶ If you are searching for an answer to a problem/situation, soaking can help you find the way.

¶ If you carry responsibilities, soaking can lift your burden away.

¶ If you are trapped by a habitual sin, soaking can empower you to break free.....Soaking will loose you from that knot of sin.

¶ If you are having relationship difficulties, soaking can give you new resources of grace, patience and love.....

¶ If you need financial breakthrough, soaking can give you a new idea for wealth generation.

¶ If you need academic success soaking can increase your brain capacity and receptiveness. Soaking can even help you know the questions for your exams.
¶ If your world is upsidedown soaking can make go round, it will make your heart sing loud in joy. Soaking makes things turn around for your good.

¶ If you sincerely desire a deeper intimacy with the Father soaking can help you achieve that.

Guide To Soaking.

¶ Find for yourself a space void of distractions.

¶ Make yourself comfortable (whatever resting position fits you.... Lying down is the easiest way to rest through).

¶ Settle down and begin to open your heart to the Lord....with much love just for who He is.

¶ Listen to the worship in the background if any...if non...just listen with worship and reverence to Him in your heart.

¶ Try your best not to think of anything outside God and His glory...

¶ Let the Holy Spirit come and fill you up.

Song of Songs 5:1
"Drink, yes, drink deeply, O beloved ones!" (Drink until you no longer need a drink!)

What are you drinking?
The Holy Spirit of course.

When you have enough drink of Him it will be evident in anything you do. It will shape your entire life!

Friends, make soaking one of your topmost priority. Practice it and watch your world dramatically change for good within a short period of time.


E.A Isaiah


  1. Lovely. God bless you for this great piece. It's divine.

    1. Wow. Glory to God. Am so glad you were blessed. You can also subscribe to the blog for a notification of our subsequent posts. We love you Sir/ma.

  2. All I can say is wow.. Good God. Thank you so much for this

    1. Hahaha. Dr. Tobi Sir. Glory to God. Am so glad you were blessed. You can also subscribe to the blog for a notification of our subsequent posts. We love you Sir/ma.

  3. Great piece....... More grace unto u ijn...

    1. Amen Lord Jesus. Pls don't forget to subscribe to the blog

  4. This is powerful. God increase your well of knowledge IJN.

    1. Amen Lord Jesus. Thank you so much Sir. Pls don't forget to subscribe to the blog Sir for updates of our posts. Thank you so much. God bless you.


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