Understanding spiritual authority and how to fight spiritual battles is a huge and wide topic of discussion. In this teaching I will be touching an aspect of it which presents God to us as our Banner.
What provoked this teaching was when a lady in the Eastern part of Nigeria, now my spiritual daughter, contacted me to learn music during the time we were teaching three months free. She read some of my teaching materials, then testified that something unusual always happen to her when I teach and answer her questions. She always feel encouraged and revived. She feels fresh fire of the Holy Spirit again. Then she finally told me about an illness that lasted several years in her body. She fell ill every month.
She instantly began to feel the healing power of God flowing through her body as I was teaching her about the healing covenant and her right to be healed as the daughter of God (Exodus 15:26, Matthew 15:22-28, Galatians 3:13-14)
The Words of Jesus are spirit and life (John 6:63). When we speak them we get results of what the Words stand for.
Whatever abnormality you see or feel has its root from the devil.
These Words of God in these teaching carries weight for any kind of performance.
Healing is the will of GOD for His children. It is our legal right to be healed because one of the covenant names of God to His people is I am the LORD (Yahweh or Jehovah) that healeth thee. Exo 15:26.
All over the Bible are the promises of GOD for your healing. Sometimes, if we have not experienced it, it seems untrue. It remains logos. The problem may not be lack of faith but how to release and channel your faith to receive what is yours. The Word of God is GOD Himself, so, it cannot fail. Isaiah 55:10-11.
Lets take a journey into the scripture to examine certain healing promises of God for His children by relying on the Holy Spirit as our banner. But before then, we have to know and understand that Gods promises for us are His announcements for us. And God will never show you or announce to you what He cannot make come to pass. The word Promise in Greek is 'epaggelia' and it does not only mean promise, its first meaning is announcement.
For all the promises (epaggelia = announcement) of God in Him (Jesus the Messiah) are yea (nai in Greek which means assuredly/even so), and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 2Cor 1:20.
Whatever blessing God announce to you is about to be delivered into your hands in Jesus Name. Amen.
This perspective of approaching a battle of any kind in prayers by the Name of the LORD, using Holy Spirit as our banner has not been given proper attention in many Christian gathering. Lets now look at it.

Exodus 17:15; And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovahnissi:
Exodus 17 from verse 8 to 16 is the story of a battle between the Amalekites and the Israelites. The story of this battle told us the secret of Israelites success in it. They continued to defeat the Amalekites as long as Prophet Moses hands with the rod were lifted up. When his hands grow heavy and goes down, the Amalekites begin to win over Israelites. But Bless the LORD for His Wisdom in the lives of Aaron and Hur who prepared a stone for Moses to sit down, and held his two hands standing until the sun set for Joshua and His men to defeat the Amalekites. And they did.
Hur means hole. He is the chief assistant to Moses and Aaron. Hur is the grandfather of Bezaleel, possibly the chief artificer of the tabernacle.
GOD told Moses in verse 14 to write down as a memorial what happened in that Rephidim (Resting place) and Joshua must rehearse it because He will wipe away the Amalekites from the face of the earth forever. Nobody in the world will remember them.
God did exactly as He has said. I dont think Amalekites exist now.
Then in verse 15, Moses built an altar (stone table) and called the place JEHOVAH NISSI (THE LORD MY BANNER).
Now, I want us to know and understand the significance of that kind of covenant GOD entered with us and present Himself as our banner. Prophet Moses was lifting up his hands to the Living God who sits on His Holy throne from where He reigns and rules for Gods intervention to fulfill His promises of taking them to the land He promised them. That was an act of prayer that pleased the LORD and He said He will always fight against the Amalekites fighting His children.
We all have Amalek around us. Amalek means dweller in a valley. Amalek is anything that fights you in your resting place. When God gives you rest of any kind, the Amalekites can feel uncomfortable and decided to fight you for no reason. But we have confidence in the blood of Jesus and in the name of our God who covenanted us in this regard that He will always fight our battles against them. And He will completely wipe them off from the surface of the earth. But we must activate this covenant in the place of prayer like Moses prayed with His hands lifted up in Raphidim. And God heard Him. We have this confidence in God that If He hears us when we pray, of which He always hears us, our answers are guaranteed. 1John 5:14-15.
In the early days, when armies go to war, there is always a flag bearer amongst them. When the battle gets tough and the armies are being defeated, the flag bearer will run to a hill and rise up the flag so that all the soldiers in his side can know where to gather for safety. If the flag or banner bearer is defeated the whole armies can be so scattered with no direction, and maybe permanently defeated.
Now, GOD said in Exodus 17:15-16 that He is our banner. It is to Him we will always run and gather in the face of any life's challenge. He is our strong tower.
Saint Paul told us in Ephesians 6 from verse 10 that we should be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. That we should put on the whole armour of God to enable us stand against the wiles of the devil. Most importantly because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Those who just want to fight u even when you do no wrong to them.
2Cor 10: 3-4 is another scripture that teaches that even though we are in the flesh we do not live according to the dictates of the flesh. It teaches us to fight against thoughts and imaginations that want to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God in us.
Psalm 20:5; We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the LORD fulfill all thy petitions.
God is our banner. He is the one we lift up for defense.
Philippians 2 told us about the power in the name of Jesus. Every knee must bow and every tongue confess at the mention of that name. Why? Because the name and the name bearer is glorified. And because He is our banner.
Isaiah 59:19: So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
I deliberately underline standard in the scripture above to draw our attention to the fact that the “standard bearer, our chief army who carries the banner for us to converge at His feet, the safest place to be in times of trouble is the Holy Spirit. And He is always pointing us to Jesus.
The Spirit of GOD will lift up a STANDARD against the enemies in our favor when they come in like a flood.
He will lift up the banner of victory indicating to us that the battle is over, we have long won and everything is going to be alright. Praise God.
When the enemies see the banner, they must surrender, because what is written on the banner is our victory in Christ Jesus who defeated the world and the power of death. 2Cor 2:14.
It's written on that banner; every knee must bow to the name of Jesus.
To apply this method of winning in prayers is to simply say; in the name of Jesus, I lift up my banner in the name of the Lord over ........ (fill in the blank with whatever challenge you are going through). Let every knee bow to the name of Jesus and let every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the father above. You malaria, typhoid, cancer, turmoil, spirits and altars behind relationship and marriage breakups I command you to bow to the name of Jesus. Whatever I decree in the name of the LORD will be done unto me (Job 22:28, Numbers 14:28), so i decree and declare in the name of the Lord .. (fill the blank with words as inspired by the Holy Spirit).
Say; I am the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus, so I am as bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1, 2Cor 5:21 and whatever I say stands.
Say; according to Hebrew 4:12; The word of my GOD is active and it's not slow. Its shaper than any double edged sword, thereby, this same Word heals me and I am healed.
Jeremiah 17:14; Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
Hallelujah.. the Lord sent forth His Word to heal me and truly I am healed in the name of the Lord. Psalms 107:20
When u pray scriptures, Picture every word you speak and speak them with boldness.
1 Corinthians 6:19; My body is the temple of the Living GOD. Holy Spirit is resident inside of me. How can I be sick? Therefore, Hey.... My body, I command you in the name of Jesus to get well and go work for GOD for that is why you are still alive. You are created to give GOD worship. Hallelujah... Praise GOD... Am healed. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Speak the Word of God to anything and watch them adjust. For nothing is without ears.
There are elements that controls the earth. Part of them are; fire, water, earth and wind/air. TMS deals with all of them as Sound is everything! Thank you Jesus.
Jesus took time to heal all disease while on earth because the body will house the Holy Spirit and make it the temple of THE LIVING GOD.
When you shout hallelujah in praise of our God, You are doing either of the two;
1) Inviting the manifest presence of GOD to your place, or
2) You are announcing that GOD is here already.
And when GOD gets into situation, He changes that situation. Nothing remains the same when GOD gets into it.
When you read well about the woman from Canaan. Mathew 15, She does not have a covenant commitment for healing with GOD, yet her faith and persistence got her healed. But we believers do have a covenant commitment of healing with GOD. We will get fast attention.
Lets learn to take God's word back to Him in prayers. He said He is our healer Exodus 15:22-26. Where is the Healing? lets stand on His word and ask Him.
Psalm 138:2 tells us that GOD honors His Word more than all His name. Why? Because His Word is Him. He is King and wherever the Word of a king is, there is power. The word is potent enough to bring to pass whatever its meant for. Ecclesiastes 8:4, Isaiah 55:10-11
John 16:22, Jesus said no man, nothing can take away our joy, the joy He gives.
Sickness is a threat to our joy. It's contrary to the word of GOD concerning us, so its good to uses Gods word against anything that threats our joy.
2Timothy 1:7 we have a bold spirit. God is always on your side, we cant be afraid. We cannot die unfulfilled and unaccomplished. Why? Because even death is ours. With proper depth and revelation of Jesus you can know when to die and when not to die.
Fervent pray with focus in the revelation of Christ will always avail much. Pray also with burden.
Mathew 7:7-8 are levels of prayers (asking, seeking and knocking).
God is ever willing to heal you!
It is by the Spirit of the Lord. So, Lift up your banner in the name of our GOD.
Healing can be instant and it can be slow. Depending on the timing, healing codes and the frequency of travel by the healing sound. And your receptiveness to the healing process.
Listen to good calm slow music, praise GOD even more, Halal the name of the Lord.
Learn to shout Hallelujah to God.
Halal means to be clamorously foolish before GOD in praise. You just forget yourself and praise and dance before the Living GOD your LORD.
In problems, lift up your banner and shout hallelujah The enemies will just scatter.
Tell yourself, Psalm 139:14, when GOD was making me fearfully and wonderfully He didn't talk about sickness.. So hey.. you sickness (you can call the name) I know you can hear me, I know you have ears. You can't succeed over me. Therefore I command you to leave my body now In the name of Jesus.
The Name of Jesus is our banner. Its very effective.
Jeremiah 23:29; Does not my word burn like fire? says the Lord . Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?
Hebrews 4:12; God means what he says. What he says goes. His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel, cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense, laying us open to listen and obey. Nothing and no one is impervious to God's Word. We can't get away from in no matter what.
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

E.A Isaiah


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