It is truly interesting to understand that in a real sense it is not the band or the worship leader who draws men into the presence of God but Jesus who is our true worship leader. Jesus said in John 12: 32 that when He is lifted up from the earth He will draw everyone to Himself; to Himself because He is God all by Himself (John 1:1).
However, I want you to see it this way, no matter your abilities, skills and deep understanding of music, it is utterly useless if it is not centred on Jesus (Hebrew 12:2)
Let us examine Hebrew 2:11-13
So now Jesus and the ones He makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters. For He said to God, “I will proclaim your name to my brothers and sisters; I will praise you among your assembled people.” He also said, "I will put my trust in him," that is, "I and the children God (Theos) has given me." (NLT)
Easy-to-read version (ERV).
Hebrew 2:11-13
Jesus, the one who makes people holy, and those who are made holy are from the same family. So he is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters. He says, "God, I will tell my brothers and sisters about you. Before all your people I will sing your praises." Ps 22:22
He also says,"I will trust in God." Isa 8:17
And he says, "I am here, and with me are the children God (Theos) has given me." Isa 8:18

Easy English version says:
Jesus makes people completely good and clean inside themselves. Both Jesus and all the people that He makes good and clean have the same father. So, Jesus is not ashamed to call all these people His brothers and sisters.
He says this to God about it: ‘I will speak loudly about you to my brothers and sisters. When all your people meet together, I will sing songs to you. I will say how great you are.’ He also says this: ‘I will believe that God will help me.’ He also says this: ‘Here I am, with the children that God has given me.’
God mentioned in this passage we read  in Greek is theos. Phonetically it's pronounced theh'-os meaning God the father, the first person in the Trinity.
Verse 12 says, Jesus told God that He will proclaim (tell) His (God’s) name to us (His brothers and sisters) and that He will sing God’s praises among us!
NLT says, I will praise you (GOD) among your (GOD’S) assembled people (us).
Friend, have you ever imagined Jesus singing to God even though He is God all by Himself? Or have you ever imagined God the father Himself singing to you mortal man? Oh yeah… God the creator Himself actually sings to you even with a joyful heart. See Zephaniah 3:17
For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs. Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
LORD in this passage is in uppercase, transliterated from Hebrew as yehôvâh. Phonetically pronounced yeh-ho-vaw'. It is a special name for GOD and it means  Jehovah = " the existing One". It means that GOD is always GOD. The GOD who is always GOD over everything will rejoice over you with singing. This is amazing! You easily experience this dimension of God when your ways please Him as He will be happy with you.
The passage said For the LORD your GOD ('ĕlôhı̂ym = el-o-heem'). God here in Hebrew is Elohim, indicating the plurality of GOD but still one being. This kind of unity in plurality in Hebrew is called Echad. It means both GOD the father, GOD the son and GOD the Holy  Spirit will rejoice over you "with singing". Interesting.
Beloved, God does not just sing, He plays musical instruments too! The harps (kith-ar'-ah)  that the overcomers in Revelation 15:2-4 used to worship God (theh'-os)  with is God’s own. God here is referring to GOD the father. God the father manufacture the harps and gave it to the overcomers to worship Him. God owns all things.
Amplified version of the Bible refers to the kind of song Jesus praised God with in Hebrew 2:12 as Hymn. And I believe it is because hymns are kinds of songs written or sang out of a personal experience and revelation of who God is. Jesus understands and knows God the father deeper and better than any creation. He has a personal revelation and experience of GOD the father, hence the singing of hymn. Hymns are sacred songs not necessarily carried or carved out of scriptures but are scriptural.
I feel that since Jesus sang and is still singing to the Father and to us, it then means that He has other varieties of songs to sing apart from hymns.
Revelation 15:3-4 confirms it by saying: They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb: "Great and wonderful are the things you do, Lord God All-Powerful. Right and true are your ways, Ruler of the nations. All people will fear you, O Lord. All people will praise your name. Only you are holy. All people will come and worship before you, because it is clear that you do what is right."
It was all those who had won the victory over the beast and his idol and over the number corresponding to his name, and were standing by the sea of glass mixed with fire, with harps that God Himself had given them on their hands that sang that song.
Jesus is that Lamb of God and He is the author and custodian of sound and true music. He is our true worship leader and only He can engage us with God in the power of the Holy Spirit to worship.
Jesus never sings a discouraging songs as we all see from those scriptures above. The song sang in Rev 15:3-4 that we read are He’s and Moses’.

“As a musician, if we are not drawing people’s attention to Jesus, then we worship in vain. You can arm yourself with every music technique which may help but it becomes automatically pointless and powerless without God working in the mind the people.” So, as a worship leader, a singer or a musician, pray for your people, pray for God’s spirit to warm their heart to the gospel. Everything should be to the glory of GOD. Even Jesus who is GOD Himself will not do anything unless God is glorified in it. John 14:13. In fact, He said in a phrase in Hebrew 12:13 that “Even I live by placing my trust in GOD. ”Amazing!!! Even Jesus live by placing His trust in God… Even though He is God all by Himself! What about you? Do you live by placing your trust in God? Proverbs 3:5
We must keep learning from the life of Jesus. He is the ultimate in every good thing!
“Indeed God is the only audience, let everything be a worshipper!”

E.A Isiaah
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