Spiritual Make Up
GOD created our natural body to house our spirit man. Yes. But deeper than that is understanding the human spiritual make up. God didn't just create the human spirit to live in a body made out of an already existing substance (earth), He also placed within human spirit certain spiritual forces, such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. (Gal 5:22-23).
"These positive forces make up the nature of our inner man."These fruits of the Spirit are part of GOD'S attributes. Each of them are a faculty in GOD. Each is a Spirit. They are part of the make up of God's kingdom. Fruits of the Spirit are gifts from GOD and are suppose to be in man by default, but are now gradually activated only upon one's confession with the mouth and believing with the heart that Jesus is Lord to the glory of GOD the father.
E.A Isaiah
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