God has always been a Faithful, Transparent, Loving Father and He has never been interested in overawing or enticing us for any reason, neither is He interested in proving to us His potentials, power and sovereignty.
Although God is All-powerful, He uses His power to save. He uses His power to confirm the truth of the Gospel and draw men to Himself.
God does not want us to receive Him because He is all powerful, neither does He want us to fear that if we do not receive Him He will crush us with His power, take our lives and end us. No. God wants our motives always to be Love driven.
Through love and by love we know that we are exactly like GOD in this world!!!
1John 4:10-19
Am excited about this illumination... Are you?
God does not want to entice us through blessings to get us believing and loving Him.
We know that God is able to bless us with all we need in every area of our lives and much more. He is able to heal us and provide us with financial abundance and solve all our problems. But listen friend, God does not want us to receive Him merely on the basis of what we get from Him. Capital NO!
Also, God is not there for us to satisfy our "Intellectual Curiosity". Oh yes. If you are one of those...you will never be able to encounter God and know Him for yourself.
For some people, life is like a puzzle made up of different pieces, one which is labelled GOD. Where they can insert GOD in His "rightful" place in the puzzle. But GOD......Is not a piece in a puzzle. He is far bigger than that. And if we have such attitude towards God then He may never reveal Himself to us.
Some people will even say... Oh if only I can put GOD in a taste tube then I can believe Him. That's ridiculous friend because you will never be able to do that with GOD.
Let me tell you that any GOD that can be inserted in a taste tube is no God at all and should not be confide and believe in.
U may ask me, Elmond Isaiah, what then does GOD wants? How does He wants us to relate with Him?
Good. Am glad to inform you that God simply wants us to desire Him for Himself, for who He is apart from His power, His blessings and any other benefit we can get from Him! Simple. ๐
That's sincere love. ❤
Just love Him! Sincerely desire Him for Himself and all other benefits of relationship with Him will surely follow you and even overtake you when He is satisfied with your consistency, transparency and sincerity with Him and to Him.
Praise GOD.
E.A Isaiah
- @TMS
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