Topic: Friend of GOD.
Instructor: John Imo.
Dec. 2018

Greetings Wonderful Friends!
I count it a privilege to be your facilitator today.
And i appreciate God for this honour.

From my heart I salute the leadership of TMS, especially the set man of this house, Sir Isaiah Elmond, you are indeed a huge blessing to our generation..., Sir, you've really impacted my life greatly with all your kind gestures since the day one I met you in NYSC CAMP Kogi State, Nigeria, to this point... Keep LIVING and keep IMPACTING Sir.
And to every member of TMS, thank you for following my daily update "Word For the Week Series and Today's Life Application Thought."
I celebrate all our facilitators since the on set of this house. You guys are on point. Keep IMPACTING...
From my heart I say THANK YOU!
Let's read the word together with an open heart.
"And so it happened just as the scriptures say: "Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith." He was even called the *Friend of God.*" James 2:23 NLT.

Prayer: Father bless us tonight through your Word... Dearest Holy Spirit, my EVERYTHING, please do that which only you know how to do. Please use the write up and the voice record to transform lives tonight, In Jesus name, Amen!
 I want to begin by letting us know, that the greatest of men in the Bible days were not men of physical strength,  neither were they people of great wealth, though they were made wealthy. They were not even people who were predominantly known for human wisdom... Rather they were people of GOD'S PRESENCE.
The Lord shall be Blessing us tonight through the topic: *FRIEND OF GOD*
 People like Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, David, Esther, the disciples of Jesus etc.  were made great on earth because of their relationship with God
 God values our relationship with Him than the whole World put together.
Christianity is not like other beliefs or religion.
Christianity is purely a relationship affair between God and those that believe in Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ
 From the little that we've known and read about God, we can confidently say that He is a relationship-driven God. And due to this, He feels very comfortable any time we call Him our FATHER and FRIEND
If you read through the scripture, you will discover that religious men never called God Father, but our role model Jesus Christ, was confident enough to relate with God as a Father. And religious men accused Him for revealing the ultimate will of God to us. From Jesus' relationship with God, you will notice that it is the perfect will of God for us to relate with Him as our Father and Friend...
Because of God's desire to relate with man as a friend, sometimes He will move out of His comfort to develop a relationship with man. For example, God was the one who visited Abraham for a relationship. He told Him to leave His father's house to where He will show him...
God was also the one who attracted Moses through the burning bush.
Jesus Christ called His disciples for a relationship before He send them out...
From my little understanding of God through His Word, I can confidently say that God calls us first for a relationship before any other thing...
Therefore, any time we think about Christianity, let relationship with God come to our minds...
Man's relationship with God comes in the following levels:

๐Ÿ–Œ Stranger level.
๐Ÿ–Œ Child/Adoption level.
๐Ÿ–Œ Servant level
๐Ÿ–Œ Sonship/Friendship level.

Many times people are strangers to God before coming to the knowledge of Him. And meanwhile, when I say stranger that doesn't mean God don't know you. God is all knowing. So He knows you. But what I mean here is that, until there is a personal Relationship between you and GOD you are a stranger to Him. And the Bible said that at one time you were not God's people but now you are His people.  1Peter 2:10.
Someone like Abraham came from family that worship idol. Indirectly, the knowledge of GOD was not at his reach. The Bible said in Joshua 24:2 that they served other gods.
Joshua 24:2
And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods.
To me, I see that God finds people at this stranger level when they don't even know Him. Through the message of salvation, reconciliation and the message of love. All of us at one point were stranger to God. That's when we were still living in sin. But God who is a loving God has to approach us to bring us to Himself.
Praise GOD.

Apart from the stranger level, out relationship with God begin when we accept Him as our Lord and personal savior. Every believer is a child (adopted child of God) and at this level, if the believer is not very familiar with God, God will stair up the heat of the mature people to train the believer. The believer is taught to have a bigger better knowledge of GOD. And what is just needed here is consistently feeding the believer with the Word of God. Just as the Bible said, the new born babes desire the sincere milk of the Word that they may grow there by. So, the believer is encouraged to study the Word to grow in it. And as a matter of fact, all the hero's of our faith one passed through this level.  Someone like Abraham was from an idol worshipping family but he was taught by God, and he grew. Some other persons like Moses Moses was taught by his mom, Jetro also played a role in helping him grow and that is very important. At this stage, eye individual should depend woolly on GOD.
God communicate with us base on the level of our relationship with Him.

It is presumed that the believer understood certain things about GOD from his childhood stage.  And at this level, the believer is growing up and have learnt to accept responsibility and God confidently allow the believer to do kingdom works like serving in the church, society etc. Just like when Jesus Christ sent His disciples to buy for soul winning, that was actually at there servant level. At this level, it may be that the person is not yet completely a friend of GOD because God is still trying the abilities of the person and training a him/her. God at this level is building a relationship with the person where he can confidently trust the person and hand over to the person some key stuffs in the kingdom to handle. This will usher is into the friendship level/sonship level.

Friendship level is the apex of our relationship with God. And this should actually be the desire of every Believer, to come to a point where God will say that that Believer is His friend. Meanwhile, the Believer must pass other levels before getting in friendship level with God. Remember, at a certain point in the relationship of Jesus with the disciples, He called them His Friends...
One major factor that can make a Believer to come to a level of friendship Relationship with God is the BELIEVER'S *UNDIVIDED AND UNCOMPROMISING LOVE FOR GOD*
This love for God will make the Believer to develop attitude of consistency in His Worship life* which involves great willingness to be used as a vessel in the Lord's hand at all capacity; to have hatred for evil; to love and care for people; to lead and inspire others to love the Lord passionately...

It is at the level of friendship with God that He has a strong confidence in the Believer. At this level the Lord can proudly confide in the Believer with confidential matters. Father Abraham was a good example of this. The Bible says, "And the Lord said, shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him..." Genesis 18:17-19.


๐Ÿ–Œ Undenied access into God's presence
๐Ÿ–Œ Privilege of getting first hand information (revelation) from God. I think John the beloved will explain this point better. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚.
๐Ÿ–Œ Opportunities to be used as vessel in God's vineyard.
๐Ÿ–ŒGreat spiritual and physical establishment.
๐Ÿ–Œ Relevance both in heaven and on earth.
๐Ÿ–ŒGod will call the believer home in due time for rest, and complete dwelling in God's presence, glory and beauty in Heaven. Enoch and Elijah were perfect examples of this...

#Seek a friendship relationship with God than material blessings from Him.

#Make knowing God your ultimate reason for reading His Word; and fellowship with brethren so that you will be able to relate with Him better.

#May love for God inspire you to worship, serve and live completely for Jesus.


The Mystery of Sound (TMS)


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