TEXT:  Acts 2:1-4


The Book of Acts  2:1-4 tells us a story of a Big Bang event that energized the earliest followers of Jesus Christ soon after His Resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven (Act 1: 9- 11).
According to the text, on the day of Pentecost (a popular annual Jewish festival in Jerusalem, usually 50 days after Easter). A group of about 120 followers of Jesus from the region of Galilee (Acts 1:15, Acts 2:7) are suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit. Strange sights and sound, wind, fire (elements of the earth) and speaking in tongues accompanied this experience as the Spirit entered them, and these uneducated Galileans began praising God's deeds of power in the native languages of the crowds from around the Mediterranean World who had come to celebrate Pentecost (Acts 2:5-11).

This is one of the scriptures from which God gave us the name 'The Mystery of Sound', and the logo.

It's an amazing revelation to realize that it was sound that ushers the Holy Spirit to come dwell in us here on earth.
Praise God! 

It was sound the disciples heard. The sound came in like a mighty rushing wind.

Acts 2:1; AND WHEN the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place, (comma as indicated in the amplified version of the Bible. It means there is something more to say, we see the proceeding in verse 2).

Verse 1 says that the believers were all together in one place. This verse tells us that Holy Spirit finds expression better when we are all together with one purpose in the agenda of God. When we stay together in unity of purpose amazing things happen.  Hence the gathering of believers is never void of the Holy Spirit. That's what makes it good and pleasant (Psalm 133), when we dwell together in Unity of purpose and love. Holy Spirit visits afresh again. This is one major way to experience genuine revival; Unity of believers! 
It is with this effect that Hebrews 10:25 teaches that we should not forsake the gathering of one another.
Matthew 18:20 teaches that when two or more people gather in the name of Jesus He will be there with them.
The disciples gathered in the name of the Lord. They were waiting as Jesus instructed them to. They were patiently waiting for the fire to come. 

Let me pause a little to say; without the spirit of fire you cannot effectively serve the Lord! The challenges of life will overwhelm you and make you throw in the towel. So, we need the fire.

Verse 1 talked about the day of Pentecost. Pentecost is the second of the three great Jewish feasts, celebrated at Jerusalem yearly, the seventh week after the Passover, in grateful recognition of the completed harvest.

The believers were all together with one accord. The word accord in Greek is 'homothumado' and it means with one mind, one passion one accord. This is what the Living GOD expect from us each time we gather before Him. To be one at heart and mind.

Acts 2:1-2; AND WHEN the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place, When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.

(KJV); And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
'Suddenly'' is a word for  'aphno' in Greek and it means just that. Suddenly, without notice.

Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force—no one could tell where it came from. So also are those who are  led by the Spirit of God. You cannot fully comprehend them. It's called 'Katalambano' in Greek.
The sound came as of a "Rushing" Mighty wind.

I want to tell u what it means–rushing. Such speed that the wind came with on the day of Pentecost was not same as the speed of wind we have physically seen. The kind of speed the wind came with was a "strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale." This Beaufort scale is a scale from 0 to 12 for the force of the wind. It is an international scale of wind force from 0 (calm air) to 12 (hurricane). It means that the speed of the wind as it came was like hurricane.๐ŸŒช๐ŸŒ€
This is amazing. And all targeted one room of just 120 people people.
Hurricane is a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving at 73-136 knots (12 on the Beaufort scale).
Can u imagine this?...

I initially don't seem to place why Holy Spirit Would come with such speed and force on just 120 souls. He has been all powerful. Powerful all the way. He is the God head. The very power bank of GOD.
But then realize He needed to revive and resurrect the spirit of man again from its dying state. Since He is Spirit and was going to live in man, the spirit of man must be alive and born again. Man died a spiritual death when Adam fell from the garden of Eden. So Holy Spirit needed to resurrect man's spirit again.

Acts 2:3: And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which settled on each one of them.
This tells us that where ever the Spirit of GOD is, there will be something to show for it. God does not come to a place and the place remain the same. Never! When GOD gets in the room He will change everything. He will give you something you have been waiting for. He will intervene in your matter. He will change your name. He will absorb you into Himself. You will carry the Aura of GOD.
When GOD gets in the room He will rearrange everything... The way you look, the way you think, the way u speak, He will give you fresh Fire...๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

He will clean you up with fire. He will remove the dross. And make you pure.
When God gets in the room He gives to everyone a gift. He does not have to give all of you one gift to share.

This fire matter is not a mirage. It's real. I am a partaker of it and you can receive it too.

That's what happen most times when we worship. God comes and rub Himself on us, and we go about smelling GOD. Favor follows us everywhere we go. When you contact fire, You are in charge.

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. That's verse 3. Every one had a share. It appeared on each of them.
That is *'optanomai'* in Greek; Appear.

That word cloven is 'diamerizล' and it means divided in parts. It means the fire came in, and in the room divided into parts. (Diamerizo).
Let's look deeply into this verse three.

You see, tongue also means language. Apart from the fact that it is an organ of the body.
So, 'diamerizล' as it appeared upon them was as of tongues of fire.

The verse said cloven tongues (plural).
It was after that they began to speak in various languages, because the tongue of fire that came upon them does not only signify a shape of an organ in the body but also a kind of language rested on them which was diffused all over them.
A tongue, the language or dialect used by a particular people distinct from that of other nations. That was what came upon them. The fire was a symbol. But beyond that, a kind of enabling force came upon them to speak in a new language.
That tongues is called 'glลssa' in Greek.

Sometimes back we all thought that the fire as of cloven tongues sat on their head and that's just all. Well, It is true. The fire rested upon their head. But much more than that is what I want to  show you now.

The fire sat. That word sat in Greek is *'kathizล'.

'kathizล'. means to set, to appoint, to confer a kingdom on one. This is amazing. So, what that fire did was to confer the Kingdom of GOD upon them. The 120. It means when the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire comes upon you, you are absorbed deeper into the kingdom. The kingdom of God is confered to you.

The word "Confer" is like to grant a qualification. Hahahaha.Kabaye....

Oh my GOD. This blessed me.
So, when this fire comes upon you, you are given the qualification for the deeper things of the kingdom of GOD. It is called Kathizล in Greek

Someone might say; what if you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire? Are you not qualified for the deeper things of the kingdom? The answer is simply yes. You are not. You will make heaven. But certain things God will not put under your care. The fire does a lot of things.
So, when the fire came upon them, the Bible said it sat upon each one of them.
That word each is 'hekastos'. it means individually. It's not a collective matter. Everyone has their share.
The fire sat (Kathizo). It means the fire confered upon them, the fire gave them a qualification of having a major part of the kingdom of God.
I think this is an exciting knowledge. Wow.

Let's move to verse 4, the last verse.
Acts 2:4; And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words].

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. KJV). 

You see, they spoke in other tongues because what came upon them was also tongues (glลssa). That was a language that came upon them too.
They were all filled (plฤ“thล). The Holy Spirit was diffused through out their souls... Kabaye... ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
What does that mean to you?
If you know the difference between your spirit, soul and body you will realize that our souls really need this diffusion of the Holy Spirit.
From the region of a higher concentration to a lower concentration that we are. He is higher. Our soul (our mind, our thinking faculty our will, our emotion, our intellect Etc.) Imagine all is taken over by the Holy Spirit. All will just go well and smooth with us.

That was why they served the Lord the way they did. Because Holy Spirit was found in every aspect of their lives. In their speech, thoughts,  deeds etc.

How about you? You say u speak in tongues. But check your way of life. Do you easily get angry? Find it hard to forgive? Lust? Gossip? Etc. What do you do that is not in consistency with the truth of God's Word? Is Holy Spirit found in the things you upload on your WhatsApp status? Your speech, thoughts etc. What and how do u think? Is it guided by the Holy Spirit that you say you have in you? Think about this matter.

You must guide your heart because the issues of life comes from there. Allow Holy Spirit to brood upon the sound signals of your thoughts.

The 120 didn't speak on their own accord. They spoke as they were given utterance. Why? Because they have been completely taken over by the Holy Spirit. He is diffused all over their souls.

The soul is a very powerful aspect of us. It can be a bridge for our body to receive information from our spirit to serve the Lord, it can be a block to stop us from serving Jesus and lead people to hell. So we need our soul to be diffused with the Holy Spirit. They were filled with the Holy Ghost (Pneuma).
Pneoma is the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son. Sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises His personality and character (the Spirit).
Sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises His work and power. (The Spirit of God, The Spirit of wisdom, The Spirit of fire, The Spirit of knowledge, Excellent Spirit etc). But you are now describing Him by His works.
Without the Spirit of God brethren, we are no threat to the kingdom of darkness. With Him however, we are battering rams against the gates of hell, regardless of age, race, gender, experience or education.

There are many believers who do not understand how important it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and hence are not. Imagine that!
This being filled is not like pouring water in a cup and fill it. Like we saw with amplified version, it's diffusion.
There are many who, although being filled with the Spirit, do not understand the gravity thereof.
Not understanding and hence not cooperating with Him leaves them almost as ineffective as those not filled at all.
When the Holy Spirit filled the first disciples (Acts 2:1-4), He resembled flames of fire, one settling upon each follower.
On this occasion, God chose a fearsome natural element to represent His Spirit.
Fire is dangerous.
Fire is ravenous and relentless.
If a blaze grows too large and too ferocious, no human innovation can get it under control.
It is an element that will continue to burn until all fuel within its reach has been utterly consumed. Such is the picture our God would have us form in our minds when we think of the Holy Spirit.

You see, dear friends, if we allow Holy Spirit to flow through us, He will
consume sin, sickness and any oppression that might hold people in bondage. He shall set the captives free, left, right and centre.
As a fire would be relentless in its task of consuming, so He will relentlessly use us if we but allow Him to do so. He is ever-ready and ever-eager to drive the children of God onwards, supplying the zeal and the power. We only need to cooperate with Him!

This fire we are talking about is Fire of fires, God Himself. That fire is nothing less than the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of God, The Spirit of Fire. Hearts are convinced that Jesus is Lord with this fire. Eager voices call on His matchless name. Hallelujah...
Praise Jesus!
With this fire in you demons will scream at your appearance, The lame will
walk, blind eyes will see etc. The chains of witchcraft shatter and addictions disintegrate...
 Some body shout ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Prayer: In Jesus name, father we wan to thank You for this deep teaching. Thanks for blessing us with your Word. Truly Your Word Lord is life. And it is like fire in our bones. Thank you Jesus for your wonderful Word. Help us put what we have learned into use in Jesus transforming name we pray. Amen.

E.A Isaiah.


  1. Amazing. Wow. I feel the fire.... God bless and replenish you Sir. More Grace. In Jesus name. Amen.


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