The Power of Thought
The Power of Thought.
Proverbs 4:23
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
Life starts from the heart!
Everything is a product of thought, and the heart is a thought processing factory. Whatever you consistently think about, you gradually become. Our thoughts consist of sound frequencies and sound particles with either creative or destructive energy. When you think, you expend sound signals of your likeable desires into the spiritual realm, you give orders which must be carried out!
Thoughts are powerful. They contain active energy. Like words, thoughts are very much alive.
Be careful how you think. Your thoughts make you the person that you are.
Give yourself wholly to positive thinking. The negative thoughts entrenched in your consciousness for countless ages are what have always defeated the manifestation of your heart's desire. Hmmm. They are the thought forms which you have built up in your subconscious by constantly
thinking the same thoughts. You have built up a fixed idea that "Life is hard and filled with disappointments." If you do not speedily throw off these negative thoughts, you will meet them as concrete experiences in life, for "Out of the imaginations of the heart come the issues of life."
"I counsel you this day to always keep the ways of pleasantness." We should all build up in consciousness a
picture of peace, harmony and beauty and some day it will push itself into visibility. The Divine Idea of your life orchestrated by God often flashes across your consciousness
as something too good to be true. Hahah. As a result, very few people fulfill their destinies. Many have taken there abilities with them to the cemetery.
Destiny means the place you were destined to fill. We are fully equipped by God for the Divine Plan of our lives. He sees the ending even before He began the beginning. He knows everything in-between. And I guarantee you that we are more than equal to every situation. If only we could get the realization of these facts about us, in Christ Jesus, back of these words, doors would fly open and channels be cleared. We could actually hear the hum of Divine activity, for we
would be linked with Infinite Intelligence (YAWEH) which knows no defeat. Doors of opportunities would flung open and come to us from unexpected quarters. Divine activity would operate in and through all our affairs and the Divine Idea would come to pass.
Colossians 3:1-3 (EasyEnglish)
God has raised you from death, so that you are alive with Christ. So, you should continue to look up. You should want more and more the things that are in heaven, with Christ. Christ is sitting next to God, at His right side.
Continue to think about things that are above. Do not think about things that are on the earth.
Think like that, because you have died. And now you are alive with Christ, who is united to God. God is keeping your life safe with Christ.
E.A Isaiah
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