


It is a good thing to learn mediation and give attention to it so that our understanding of God’s Word and life in general can be enriched.
Meditating on the Word of God—or any other form of Christian meditation—requires you to concentrate and think deeply about God's truth. Meditating on God's Word should be done frequently, and the overall purpose should be to enrich your understanding so you can apply it to your life.
Meditation is the contemplation (long and thorough observation) of spiritual matters. It is also a continuous and profound contemplation (long and thorough observation) or musing (deeply or seriously thoughtful) on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse (difficult to penetrate) nature.

Psalm 1:1-2
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
Psalm 1:1-2
The man is very happy that does not:
walk as godless people suggest
stand in the way near sinners
sit with them that scorn (God)
He likes what the LORD teaches. He repeats it day and night.
Meditation means to repeat the word of God in your heart as u read it. It will sink in u that way
Joshua 1:8 says we should meditate on the word of GOD day and night Only then can we have good success.
The resultant effect of meditation is good success.
It means there can be what only looks like success. Only meditation on God’s Word gives good success because meditation exposes you to the spiritual foundation of anything you are meditating on.
It says you must keep on speaking (meditating) about the words of God’s law.
Think about what God says, all the time.
Then you will be careful to obey it..... It means if u do not think well about what the Word of God says, it won't sink into u. And u won't feel like obeying it when it has not find root in u.
Then you will help yourselves to do well, and to win..... Hahaha, read that again.
Meditation is one of the major significant factors for a successful and full filing life...Hmmm.
Meditation gives u depths and insights. It makes you wiser and take you into realities beyond the natural realm.
Meditation is an act of communion with the supernatural!

Meditation makes u see beyond what your physical eyes can see.
Mediation puts u in a place where possibilities become a natural phenomenon. U just feel all things are possible. And u actually see them fixed... Hahaha
Does it makes sense?
Mediation transport you to the realm of creativity. It gives you the energy and ability to reason like your creator and to begin to bring those things that be not as though they were as it is in the character of the Creator – God because you, at that moment of meditation are operating in higher sound frequency for creativity... And that's what TMS is all about... Do u feel me?
The impossible becomes possible.
To be able to do anything significant for GOD you must be a man and a woman of meditation...
Rev. Joshua Tende was teaching and he said: Any scripture you found light in, carve out time and go back to it and draw some more water to drink from there!
You see, The infilling of the Holy Spirit is not the same as the new birth.
The new birth means as are born again. You already have a well of living water when you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Holy Spirit came into you. That well can satisfy you only on the inside and last till eternity. But that's only for you. It does not give you the experience of  “Out of your belly shall flow rivers (Plural) of living water” the book of John talked about. What gives such experience is the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Such as baptism of the Holy Spirit and with fire. It fills you afresh. Holy Spirit is diffused inside you. This creates rivers of living water (multiple streams) in you. This 'rivers' is of living water. And it's not just for your benefit. It's also for the benefits of other people as God directs them to you. It's for you to be a blessing to your generation.
It can be a river of healing.
River of miracles.
River of the gift of faith
River of compassion (Love)
River of signs and wonders
River of prophecy
River of Wisdom
River of knowledge
River of Understanding
River of might
River of the fear of God
River of counsel
River of discernment
River of excellence
River of humility and meekness
River of Grace
River of favor
River of goodness
River of power (Dunamis)
River of forgiveness
River of patience
River of temperance
River of peace
River of endurance
River of… them (all the attributes of the Holy Spirit).

You operate properly in this dimension when after the new birth you also experience the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
Meditation on God’s Truth will give u a notable progress in life.
Meditation on God’s Word will make you successfully successful in life.
Meditation on God’s Truth will make you prosperous in life.
In Mediation, You are in a romance with the Holy Spirit. And you don't finish and remain the same... Never...
It is in meditation that the Holy Spirit teaches you all things!
When I say you, think about your spirit man if you are already born again. You are a new man in Christ Jesus.
Learn to pray and meditate into your sleep. And when u wake up, continue the meditation before you leave the bed. Live life meditatively and you will always encounter transformative power of the Holy Spirit.
Anytime you are in meditation, you are in a classroom where the Holy Spirit is the teacher – Rev Joshua Tende.
This explains why David said in Psalm 119:99-100 said “I have more understanding than all my teachers. Why? For the testimonies of God (His written Word) are his meditation. He said he understand more than the ancients because he keeps God’s precepts.
By the power of meditation, you can understand better what you are taught in school. You understand even more than your teachers because in meditation Holy Spirit is the teacher.
The price for the revelation of GOD is attention. And attention is a form of meditation. Give attention to any scripture you read, then think about it. Bravo... A fresh light has come.
Meditation makes you stand out.
Proper dissension of knowledge spans from the world of meditation. And this begins with understanding. And understanding comes from the power of meditation.
Meditation births understanding. That's what I am saying.
Meditation is not only thinking deeply. It is also speaking back what you are thinking. As you think, in the process you speak it out avoiding distractions of any kind.

Processes of Meditation

  1. "Meditation" in a Christian context is different from the secular context.
In a secular context, meditation is associated with emptying the mind and relaxing the body. On the other hand, meditating on the Word of God—or any other form of Christian meditation—requires you to concentrate and think deeply on God’s truth.
Consider God's Word to Joshua in Joshua 1:8 (NIV) -- "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
While this verse technically only refers to what Christians consider the first five books of the Bible, you can still apply this idea to meditate on the entire Bible. Meditating on God's Word should be done frequently, and the overall purpose should be to enrich your understanding so you can apply it to your life.
2          Meditate on one verse or paragraph. This is probably the most common way to meditate on the Bible. Identify a single verse or paragraph within the Word of God to meditate over. You’ll need to dissect and explore the meaning of that verse during a concentrated amount of time.
There’s no “wrong” choice, but if you’re not sure where to start, a good spot might be a verse from the New Testament—especially one from one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). With regards to the Old Testament, the Book of Psalms and Book of Proverbs also contain great verses to meditate over.
3          Center meditation around a specific topic. Another option worth trying would be to choose a topic explored at length in the Bible. Instead of meditating over one specific passage, you’ll need to identify several passages that deal with this topic and think deeply about how the supporting passages define or elaborate on it.
For example, you might focus on the topic of forgiveness. Use a topical Bible or index to find different verses on forgiveness, then read through as many as possible. Look at the context surrounding each verse and compare them to one another.
4          Focus on the meaning of one word. This option is related to meditation on a specific topic, but instead of dealing with a broad topic, you’ll need to rely on the context of one or more passages to help enrich your understanding of the meaning of a significant word.
For instance, you could choose the word "Lord." Look at verses with the word "Lord" in them, as well as verses that contain the lowercase version of "lord." Consider the contextual meaning of the term for both spellings. You may also supplement your understanding by using external resources, like a dictionary, to compare religious use to secular use of the term.
5          Study one book of the Bible. Using this technique, you’ll need to devote a longer amount of time to read a full book of the Bible instead of merely focusing on one short passage. Dissect and explore the significance of that book, looking at the book as a whole and at individual pieces of it a little at a time.
If this seems intimidating to you, consider starting with a relatively short book, like the Book of Esther. You may even wish to supplement your understanding with the use of a Bible study guide, but doing so isn’t necessary.
6          Find a quiet place. Like secular forms of meditation, meditating on the Word of God requires you to set yourself apart from the noise and distractions of the world long enough to focus on the task at hand.
Multitasking may seem like a valuable skill in today's world, but you won't be able to give any task 100% while trying to balance it with something else. Minimizing your distractions while meditating on God's Word should improve your ability to focus on it.
Try to set aside at least 15 to 30 minutes for your meditation. Let any family or roommates know that you need time to yourself to focus, and set yourself apart in a quiet, empty room. Make yourself comfortable, but not so comfortable that you find it hard to stay awake.
7          Quiet your heart. External silence isn’t the only quiet required for this form of meditation. You also need to pursue internal quiet by setting aside your doubts, fears, and other distracting thoughts.
Don’t feel too guilty if your mind initially wanders back to the day’s problems, but don’t let your thoughts dwell there, either. As soon as you notice yourself getting sidelined by anxieties or other concerns, take a moment to pause and consciously redirect your attention back to God. Praying for rededicated focus at that moment may also help.
8          Read the Bible. Open the Bible and read the verse or verses you plan to meditate over. Spend as much time as you need to gain a basic understanding of the words, then bookmark the verse for later; you’ll need to refer to it continually throughout your meditation.
9          After you read through the passage, try reading through it again. This time, speak the words out loud and intentionally emphasize different portions by your tone, and open yourself to new revelations as you do so. Repeat this exercise as often as needed or desired during your meditation.
10       If necessary, you may also wish to improve your understanding by using other tools. Research the cultural context. Read through verses that are similar in tone or topic. Look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary or thesaurus.
11       Pray over the readings. Spend a few minutes praying to God for guidance on your meditative efforts. Ask God to open your heart to the truth and wisdom lying within His Word.
While the Bible may seem like little more than words on a page, try to keep in mind that the text you read comes directly from God. Asking the Holy Spirit to enrich your understanding while you meditate is, essentially, like asking an author to help improve your understanding of his story.
12       Take notes. Read through your chosen passage again, but this time, take notes on its content. You may wish to highlight, underline, or write short notes directly in on the page, but you should also keep a dedicated journal so that you can take more extensive notes.
Highlighting ideas can redirect your attention to key elements during later readings, but actually writing notes on each verse will make it easier for you to think through it. Summarizing ideas and responding to them in this manner forces you to think fully on the words in front of you.
14       Think out loud. Even though your space and heart should be quiet, don’t be afraid to think out loud. Talking over the passage can help you process the information and work through its mysteries more effectively.
You can think out loud in the form of a prayer, but you can also think out loud to help yourself work through complex ideas.
The Bible is often referred to as the "living word" of God. As suggested by the term "living," the text is meant to be active, which also means that you can (and should) interact with it. Don't be afraid to vocalize your questions, praise God's promises, or respond honestly to the things you read.
14       Memorize the words. While this won’t be feasible for meditation on multiple verses or full books, it’s often a good idea to memorize the passage word-for-word when meditating over a short paragraph or single verse.
15       Consider using the building block method of memorization. Repeat one word or short phrase roughly 6 to 12 times. Add new words or phrases onto the first, then repeat the entire thing again. Continue until you work through the full passage.
16       Rephrase the chosen passage. Spend some time writing out the meaning of the passage in your own words. Go into as much detail as possible, drawing out as much meaning as you can find in the process.
Paraphrase the passages you read by putting them into your own words, but remember to stay true to the meaning behind God's words as you do this. The idea isn't to alter or twist the truth, but to access it in more familiar terms
17       Evoke an emotional response. Think through the passage on which you're focusing. Try to pinpoint God's desires as expressed through those words, and attempt to align yourself with those desires so you can feel some degree of what God feels.
By allowing yourself to feel emotion alongside God, you can make the passage you’re reading seem more “real” to yourself, which should create a richer experience. Instead of merely looking like text on a page, God’s words should seem notably more meaningful—as meaningful as they were always meant to be.
18       Actively seek the blessings of meditation. Like secular meditation, meditating on God's Word can provide you with a renewed sense of calm, but the blessings of this meditative practice can extend even deeper than that. As you meditate, seek guidance, comfort, joy, reassurance, and wisdom that come from an enriched understanding of divine truth.
19       As Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) notes, "Blessed is the one [...] whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night."
Meditating on God's Word will give you a greater understanding of what God wants from and for you, thereby providing you with guidance. Reading of God's promises and mighty deeds can give you comfort during times of trouble and an enhanced sense of joy. Improving your understanding of God's redemptive love should offer you reassurance. Lastly, by improving your understanding of God's Word through meditation, you can equip yourself with the wisdom you need to navigate through spiritual darkness.
20       Apply the words to your own life. Once you understand the depth and meaning of the meditative passage, it's time to take action. Assess your own life and determine how you can apply your new understanding of God's Word to your behaviors and perspectives, then make the necessary changes immediately.
21       Consider the words of James 2:17 (NIV), which states, " by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
Actions are a sign of faith and understanding. Meditating on the Word of God is a practice designed to improve both faith and understanding, so action should be a natural result of effective meditation.
22       That being said, don’t assume that one 30-minute meditative session will make it easier to live by God’s Word for the rest of your life. Meditation is a discipline, and as such, you will need to continually and intentionally work at it to reap its full benefits.

Holy Spirit thank you for this teaching on meditation. Glory and honor be to your Holy name alone. In Jesus transforming name we pray... Amen.

Elmond Isaiah
President/founder the mystery of sound (TMS)


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