THE MYSTERY OF SOUND(TMS) LOVE THE MOST EXCELLENT WAY TOPIC: THE TEST OF LOVE SPEAKER: PASTOR GILBERT AIBGOJE EDORAH PRAYER: Father we bless your Holy Name Today... Lord we thank u for TMS and all you've been doing through us we bless tour name. Father we bless u we give u all the praise...u are the all sufficient God...father we ask that u will help us to learn at ur feet through the instructor u have prepared for us today...thank u for our papa thou exalted in Jesus name.... Amen. Pst. Gilbert; It's a great privilege & pleasure to handle this seminar Therefore, I appreciate God for this opportunity I also appreciate @Elmond & d entire admin. It was a great seminar last night. I appreciate @Rabbi NCCF for that God bless u richly sir🙏🏼 A point of summary I can give is that love is the foundation of life With this I come into the topic for tonight The Test Whatever is done outside the premise of love is worth...