Topic: THE EYE

Instructor: Dr. Donaye Joel.

I want to sincerely thank my humble boss sir Elmond Isaiah and the entire team of TMS for this opportunity to teach about how to take care of the eye.

The eye is one of the most important organ of the body. The eyes as we all know helps us in several ways. Without a good eye sight, it's almost going to be difficult for us to move around or perform simple tasks. A lot people have lost a high paying job simply because of a defective eyes
Millions of individuals experience eye problems each year. Some eye issues result in permanent vision loss or blindness, while others can be corrected wit contact lenses or glasses.
Many eye diseases have no early symptoms. They may be painless, and you may see no change in your vision until the disease has become quite advanced.
Most people will have eye problem at one time or d other.
Some could be minor which will probably go away on their own or easy to treat, while others may really require specialists.
There are different eye problems & this may mean its time to urgently meet with specialists once we begin to notice any change in our vision.
The National Eye Institute estimate dat in d years between 2010 & 2050, the number of individuals affected by the commonest eye diseases — including age-related  Macular degeneration, Cataracts, Diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma—"will double."
For many of us who have resigned to d fact that as we age, our eyesight will deteriorate, I've got good news for u. We could actually improve our vision, protect our sight, & prevent many of the diseases that compromise d health of our eyes if only we could follow d these simple Healthy Eyes Habits๐Ÿ‘‡

1- Eat Vision Healthy Food: One sure way we could enjoy a good sight till old age is to feed our eyes wit d right nutrients. Take fruits rich in Vitamins & Minerals

2- Its very important to go for regular eyes examination.
Most people neglect this so much, but this will help to detect early enough if d eye had any challenge because most often, we may think our eye is okay.
Its will also help to determined d need for glasses for correctional purposes.

3- A healthy weight can significantly help to reduce eye problem. Being overweight or obese puts u at a higher risk of developing conditions such as diabetes or other systemic disorders, which may eventually lead to vision loss.
So check your weight and work on it.

4- Wear Sunglasses while in d sun to prevent your eyes from the ultraviolet (UV) rays emitted by the sun

5- Rest your eyes often! VERY IMPORTANT Just like u allow your body to after work, do likewise for your eye.
For those of u who love watching movies like myself......๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š listen,
For every 20 minutes that u spend staring at a screen, look at something else that is around 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds to reduce eye strain.
Research indicates that half of the world will be short-sighted by 2050 if we continue with the current trend of spending so much time on near-based electronic devices.

6- Living an active life can also help to prevent major eye problem. Exercises are  generally good for our well-being, so also it is for the eyes
I'm not saying u shouldn't use those gadgets, but.... For every 20 to 30 minutes you spend looking straight at them, look away for about 20  seconds
Most common eye problems are Cataract, Glaucoma.... all of these are however preventable or can be reverse if we have a lifestyle change, they're all degenerative diseases which often have to do wit organ aging.
It will surprise you to know that d age of our internal organs most often doubles our real age. Shocking right?? Well this is due to lifestyle choice.
You'll see someone of about 25yrs having d diseases of a 70yrs & u wonder.
Our internal organs in most cases determines when we will pass on to another world....
However I believe if we follow d simple guidelines above, not only will we have a good sight, but our health will generally improve dramatically.
It's okay to use sun glasses when going out in the sun, however not at night or dark places though cos u will be putting stress on the eyes
It's possible to eat your way to healthy vision. Carrots benefits the eyes, but there are plenty of other foods that are important for good eyesight, too.
Sun glasses just like the name, are meant for sun time. Not when it is raining heavily and u decides to wear sun glasses
Eating grapes, consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to promote eye health. Dark leafy greens, in particular — including collard greens, kale, and spinach — contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants that help to prevent the formation of cataracts.
Evidence demonstrates that grapes may also support healthy eyes. In a laboratory model of retinal degeneration in one of our classes in med school we discovered that a diet enriched with grapes protected d retina against the damaging effects of oxidative stress when we exposed the eyes to it.
Studies have  also shown that consuming fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines, and tuna will also help vision cells to survive future disease or injury as Omega 3 contains fatty acids.
Pls note that Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness. People with diabetes should carefully monitor blood sugar levels, take medications/supplement  exactlyas prescribed by their doctors, & manage carbohydrate intake.
And also Early treatment for eye health problems can prevent them from getting worse.
But just before I go,
Most of d fruits mention above are good only if they come in their natural form. However, most importantly, Detoxification & Supplementation will help restore eye degenerative diseases & renew d cells of d eyes. 

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Elmond Isaiah
(TMS President) 


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