
Showing posts from January, 2019


TMS CONFESSION CONGRATULATIONS! "Congratulations  ........." (Put your name in blank) "You've Been Approved!" "We Are Pleased To Inform You!!" "That YOU OWE US NOTHING!!" "These Keys Belong To You!" "Everything Is Paid In Full!" "You Are Blessed!" E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS CONFESSION LIGHT John 1:4 In him (Jesus) was life; and the life was the light of men. Praise GOD that life is in me. The very life of God is in me. That life is the light - it is the development of me. It is developing my spirit. It is developing my mentality. It is developing me on every side. Yes...I have God in me. I have the wisdom of GOD in me (1Cor 2:16). I have God's life in me. That life of God in my spirit dominates me.... I purpose in my heart to walk in the light of life." Hallelujah... 🙌🙌🙌 Amen. Now pls do not only say this, do not only mean it and just skip it by.... NO! After this confession, study your books.... Listen intently in class to everything that is said. But by receiving eternal life into your spirit, and getting your mind renewed with the Word of GOD, your mentality will certainly be increased even more than times two of how it's functioning now. I guarantee you this in Jesus name. I am waiting for your testi...

Academic Success

TMS Prayers Academic Success Daniel 1:1-21 Lord Jesus, I thank you and I praise you for this day. Thank you for loving me with an everlasting love. Thank you for always taking good care of me. You are just forever the best. Now, LORD, I read in the book of Daniel chapter 1 where Prophet Daniel and the three Hebrew boys were in school in Babylon and You gave them favor with the dean of the school, the prince of the Eunuchs. (Dan. 1:9). Holy Spirit my comforter and greatest teacher, I ask that you give me favor also with every teacher. Thank You for the favor ready given; I have it now. In Jesus name. Lord Jesus, I also read, that when their three years of training were over, the three Hebrew boys were found to be ten times better and smarter than the rest (verse 18-20). Lord, I Am born again and I have Your life at work in me. I have eternal life already (1John 5:13). Holy Spirit, John 1:4 says, 'In Him (Jesus) was life; and the life was the light of men.' ...

Born To Succeed!

TMS MOTIVATION Born To Succeed! Gal 3:14 I...... (Put your name in there) am born to succeed. Because the power of life and death is in the tongue, I choose to speak life.... No matter what... I will succeed. I will win. It's my right to succeed because Jesus has paid it all for me... I am winning already....wuhuuuw....Yeah....⚡💪💪💪⚡ I am walking in victory...🏆 Hallelujah🙌🙌🙌 E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION LIFE SPAN Genesis 6:3, Jer 10:23, Psalm 78:39 There is a purpose, a reason God made you & everything you can see. It's trespassing to live contrary to that. Our Lord and our God, The Only Wise one is so great and so good! Everyone should say how great and powerful He is at all times (non-stop)! Everyone should recognise His authority, because He made all things out of nothing, by Word of His Power, all to His Glory because He wanted to make them! (Romans 4:17, Rev 4:11). The things God made which you are the last born there off are alive and are here now. That is only because He made them.’ But then, don't get too busy that you forget _nothing here last forever including you except the Word of God!_ God will certainly not breathe life into men and women endlessly. Can you even meet up with the 120years declared? Therefore friend, with a few words, I can describe everything that you must know: You should just fear God and worship Him always....


TMS CONFESSION I AM A WALKING SUCCESS! Gal 3:14 I....... (Put your name in there) am a Walking success because Jesus did not only died and resurrected for me, He also at the same time dissolved the curse on my behalf.... My success is primarily not because of what I do but because of Christ's sacrifice for me. In His death and resurrection He empower me to succeed. Therefore it doesn't matter the challenges going on around me.... I........ (Put your name in there) am a success already.... Hallelujah🙌🙌 #I am a walking success. E.A. Isaiah @TMS

I Can Do All Things!

TMS CONFESSION I Can Do All Things! 1John 5:13, John 1:4, Phil 4:13 I have eternal life, the very life (zoe) of GOD is at work in me, that life is the light that shines my path, developing me on every side and giving me perfect insight to do excellently well in all things. Therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Hallelujah...🙌🙌🙌 In Jesus Name. Amen.  E.A Isaiah @TMS.

Apollumi and Perissos.

THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) Apollumi and Perissos John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. We should never be ignorant of what the devil and his agents are up to each time they come around. Devil comes around in various ways. First to steal, then to kill, finally to destroy. The word destroy here is a Greek word for *apollumi.* And it means to abolish, to put out of the way entirely. Metaphorically apollumi* means to devote or give over to eternal misery in hell! And you don't want that. Do you??? This is exactly what the devil aim at each time he comes to you and in whatever form he comes. He is fully aware that he won't get you that easy until he first steal your hunger for God, then proceed to affect your spiritual understanding (sunesis), then your sight (vision) etc. Then the anointing on you. After all these he will then injects his pois...


TMS PRAYER LIKE JESUS 1John 1:6 ....Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived. As you pray to night, passionately empty yourself before JEHOVAH and desire His fresh in feeling of the Holy Ghost which is able to make you into another person in the like of Jesus..... Hebrew 12:2 We will always, consistently look up to Jesus. Ask for all of Him and non of you. Beloved, I still cry with deep tears and a heavy heart in earnest desire of His manifest presence.... We cannot afford to stop at visitation of angels alone. We need His manifest presence.... We wanna live a life just like Jesus lived. In Jesus name. E.A Isaiah @TMS

God's Rest.

TMS PRAYER God's Rest Isaiah 14:3 The LORD will give you rest from these things: ~ All your pain and illnesses. ~ The cruel way that your enemies caused you to work. In Jesus Transforming Name. By THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY you shall recover from the abuse and trouble and harsh servitude that you had to endure in the past. In Jesus name. Amen. Hallelujah....🙌🙌🙌 The LIVING GOD has done it again.... #Sh-out!!! We the TMSites will keep all God's salvation stories fresh and present!" God has truly been good to us. Amen. E.A Isaiah @TMS


THE MYSTERY OF SOUND (TMS) THE EIGHT COVENANTS IN THE BIBLE By Alicia Purdy ; Updated September 29, 2017 √ The Edenic Covenant. ... √ The Adamic Covenant. ... √ The Noahic Covenant. ... √ The Abrahamic Covenant. ... √ The Mosaic Covenant. ... √ The Land Covenant. ... √ The Davidic Covenant. ... √ The New Covenant. Each of this covenant addresses a specific set of participants and circumstances. Two classes of covenants are conditional and unconditional, and they make up the central eight covenants. There are two types of covenants in the Bible: *conditional and unconditional.* "Conditional" means that in order for God to fulfill His part, humanity must fulfill its part first. "Unconditional" covenants are those that God fulfills with His divine power. Each of the eight major covenants in the Bible falls under one of these two categories and operates within "dispensations," or specific periods of time. Each addresses a spec...


THE MYSTERY OF SOUND(TMS) Topic: Friend of GOD. Instructor: John Imo. Dec. 2018  Introduction. Greetings Wonderful Friends! I count it a privilege to be your facilitator today. And i appreciate God for this honour. From my heart I salute the leadership of TMS, especially the set man of this house, Sir Isaiah Elmond, you are indeed a huge blessing to our generation..., Sir, you've really impacted my life greatly with all your kind gestures since the day one I met you in NYSC CAMP Kogi State, Nigeria, to this point... Keep LIVING and keep IMPACTING Sir. And to every member of TMS, thank you for following my daily update "Word For the Week Series and Today's Life Application Thought." I celebrate all our facilitators since the on set of this house. You guys are on point. Keep IMPACTING... From my heart I say THANK YOU! Let's read the word together with an open heart. "And so it happened just as the scriptures say: "Abraham believed God...


TMS MEDITATION GOD SAYS YES. PSALM 34: 16 ¶ The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears (listen) when they pray. 1JOHN 5:14-15 ¶ Also, we can be sure of this. We may ask God for something. Then we can be sure that he hears us. Yes, if we ask for something that he wants us to have, he will never refuse us. We can be sure about this. ¶ We know that he hears us when we ask him. So, he will give us whatever we ask. We can be sure about that. James 5:16 ¶ .....The effectual *fervent* prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (So, tell each other about any wrong things that you have done. God makes sick people well, so speak to him on behalf of each other. God really listens to a person who obeys God. God does powerful things when someone like that asks him to.) Matthew 7:7-8 ¶ Go on asking God for what you need. And then you will receive. Go on looking for what you need. And then you will find it. Go on knocking at the door. And then God will open it for yo...

Free Gift

TMS MEDITATION Free Gift 29/12/2012 By GRACE we get what we don't deserve! By MERCY we don't get what we deserve! Under this new covenant U are a co-owner of God's Kingdom with God by FAITH in Jesus. All things are urs (1Cor 3:21-23). Stop trying to earn the Kingdom & her benefits by ur abilities. It's a gift. Just take it by the Spirit of God & through Jesus the Christ. *#All Things Are Yours 1Cor 3:21-23* pls follow us, subscribe to the link below for more relevant posts. IG: tmsound_ Twitter: @TMSound_ FB: The Mystery of Sound. E.A Isaiah @TMS

Sin of Omission

TMS MEDITATION Sin Of Omission! 29/12/2018 James 4:17 So, we all know the good things that we ought to do. If we do not do them, we sin. Sin to my understanding is categorized into two: "sin of commission and sin of omission! Sin of commission is what we have done wrong. But sin is not limited to that. Many times, the sins we commit are sins of omission (what we have failed to do that we are suppose to do!) Whatsoever you do, do it as unto GOD who owns you. Colossians 3:23 if you know the right thing to do and don't do it, that, for you, is evil. - Sin of Omission! The Lord deliver us all in Jesus Name. E.A Isaiah @TMS

God In Disguise

TMS MEDITATION God In Disguise 30/12/2018 God often disguise Himself in the weak, the unimpressive, the improbable, the unconventional, the unrecognized etc. If you take it for granted to always wanna know when God comes into your life you will miss Him. God will come in disguise, and unless our hearts are open and receptive, we will all miss Him. We may be guilty of rejecting God without even knowing He came to us. ¶ How not to miss out is to be totally sold out to GOD. Let Him be true in your life when you don't fight His will but willfully allow His will come true through you. ¶ Take care of children in need. Matthew 18:1-10 ¶ Keep a tight rein on your tongue. James 1:27 ¶ Take care of widows and orphans ¶ Keep yourself unspotted from the World. James 1:27 ¶ Take care of the needy generally. ¶ Genuinely love. *God will come to you in a disguise.* Do not begin to suspect every move around you. Be always real and live righteously. E.A Isaiah @TMS

How to live, what to do!

TMS MEDITATION How to live, what to do! Isaiah 14:6-8 How can I stand up before God and show proper respect to the high God? Should I bring an armload of offerings topped off with yearling calves? Would God be impressed with thousands of rams, with buckets and barrels of olive oil? Would he be moved if I sacrificed my firstborn child, my precious baby, to cancel my sin? But he's already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don't take yourself too seriously— take God seriously. E.A Isaiah @TMS

Love The Most Excellent Way!

TMS MEDITATION Love The Most Excellent Way! 2/1/2019 1John 3:16-17 This is how we've come to understand and experience love: _Christ sacrificed his life for us._ This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believers, and not just be out for ourselves. If you see some brother or sister in need and have the means to do something about it but turn a cold shoulder and do nothing, what happens to God's love? It disappears. And you made it disappear. E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION JESUS ON HIS WAY BACK 8/01/2019 Friend, sooner than later will we see JESUS coming on the clouds! Everyone will see Him, even those who pierced Him will see Him.... But only those who's name is found written in the Book will see and enter heaven. Many who have been long dead and buried will wake up, some to eternal life, others to eternal shame! Jesus is on His way back... Are you ready for Him? E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION ZŌĒ AND THANATOS 9/01/2019 Revelation 20:11-15 I saw a Great White Throne and the One Enthroned. Nothing could stand before or against the Presence, nothing in Heaven, nothing on earth. And then I saw all the dead, great and small, standing there—before the Throne! And books were opened. Then another book was opened: the Book of Life. The dead were judged by what was written in the books, by the way they had lived. Sea released its dead, Death and Hell turned in their dead. *Each man and woman was judged by the way he or she had lived.* Then Death (thonatos) and Hell were hurled into Lake Fire. This is the second death—Lake Fire. _Anyone whose name was not found inscribed in the Book of Life (Zoe) was hurled into Lake Fire._ #Sellah E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION DO GOOD 4/1/2019 1Thess 5:14-15 ¶ Tell lazy people that they should work. Speak to those people who are afraid. Help them to be brave. Help those people who are weak. Be patient with everyone. Friends, we ask you strongly to do these things. ¶ If a person has done something wrong to you, do not do something wrong back to them. Be careful that none of you does things like that. But always try to do good things to each other and to everyone else. Verse 14 explained to us that all the Christians at Thessalonica were waiting for Jesus to return. They thought that he would come soon as at that time. Some of them may have thought that they did not have to continue to work. But nobody knows when the Lord will return. So Paul was teaching them about that. They must continue to work. They must go on living in a way that makes God happy. I put it to you too today. Never slack in well doing.  Your ultimate goal is to make GOD happy always.  And by so ...


TMS PRAYER LOVE 1Thess 3:12-13 Beloved, it is the desire of GOD for you to love your fellow brethren then extended also to love other people. When you live in love the Lord will cause you to become strong inside yourselve (s). You will be completely good and clean for God, who is our Father. So then nobody can ever say that you have done anything wrong. And you will stand in front of God when our Lord Jesus comes. Jesus will return to this earth, with all those who are his own. And His returning can be tomorrow, it can be tonight. Pray that the love nature of GOD enrapture you to be able to love others as He will have you do. In Jesus name. Amen. E.A Isaiah @TMS

The Word!

TMS MEDITATION The Word! 3/1/2019 The Word of God, whether spoken or written tears down the principalities and the rulers of darkness. It is shaper than anything. Hebrew 4:12 The even more sure word of prophecy we have for strength to face any life's challenge is the Word of GOD. 2Peter 1:19 Speak the Word to anything. It will respond. There will be shaking (returning back to life), there will be shifting (taking steps to restoration and recovery) and there will be fixing (state of being intact). For even when it stinks God can fix it. E.A Isaiah. @TMS

End in Victory

TMS MOTIVATION End in Victory God has not forgotten you friend....😊 You will bounce-back from every setback and negative situations you are experiencing if you keep believing. Your story has already been written. Your final scene has already been shot. You don't end in failure. You end in Victory!...  You are engrafted on the palm of the ALMIGHTY GOD... You Are a Victor.... Rise up and take the trophy🏆  E.A Isaiah. @TMS

Peaceful Living

TMS MEDITATION Peaceful Living 15/01/2019 Ephesians 4:2-3 Do not think that you are better or more important than other people. Always be kind and patient. Love each other, and do not become angry with each other quickly. Do your best to let God’s Spirit keep you united as friends, without any trouble between you. #Sellah E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION Genesis 16/01/2019 It is true that the book of Genesis tells stories of people and events, but it is first and foremost an account of what GOD has done. It begins with the affirmation that GOD created the universe, and it ends with a promise that GOD will continue to show His concern for His people. Throughout the book the main character is GOD, who judges and punishes people who do wrong, lead and help His people, and shapes their history. This ancient book (Genesis) was written to record the story of a people's faith and to help keep that faith alive. Praise Jesus.  E.A Isaiah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION The Anointing 17/01/2019 Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. This is a summation of the ministry of Jesus as the Messiah (Mashiach), the anointed, the Christ (Christos) on earth when He came. He went about helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil because GOD was with Him. Quit trying in your own strength. It won't work as suppose. Without Jesus you can do nothing. John 15:5 Also, in that Acts 10:38, we have all the three persons of the Godhead at work: God the Father anointed Jesus the son with the Holy Spirit, and the result was healing and deliverance for all humanity and creatures at large. When the anointing comes upon you is strictly for doing good. #Sellah. E.A Isiaah @TMS


TMS MEDITATION ALPHA & OMEGA 21/01/2019 Revelation 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Friend, Jesus is God's whole alphabet, from A to Z. He is the alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. So, we must never think that somehow Jesus isn't able to provide all that we need and start looking in some other direction. NO! Jesus is the answer to every of our need. He is our yes and Amen.  Jesus is the summary of everything GOD has been trying to say from Genesis (Heb 1:1-3). Everything started in Christ before time ever began, and everything will still end and find fulfilment and completion in Christ after time has ended. Jesus is not time bound. He is the Word of the Al-mighty GOD, the All-sufficent one. (Read Eph 1:4-10). You will never be fulfilled and complete outside Jesus. Without Him we can do nothing... John 15:5 This Jesus is the only p...

Isaiah; who is he?

ISAIAH; WHO IS HE?  ı̄ - zā´ya , ı̄ - zı̄´a : 1. Name 2. Personal History 3. Call 4. Literary Genius and Style 5. Traditions Concerning His Martyrdom 6. Period 7. Analysis and Contents 8. Isaiah's Prophecies Chronologically Arranged 9. The Critical Problem (1) The History of Criticism (2) The Disintegration of "Deutero-Isaiah" (3) Recent Views (4) The Present State of the Question (5) Reasons for Dissecting the Book (6) Arguments for One Isaiah ( a ) The Circle of Ideas ( b ) The Literary Style ( 100 ) Historical References ( d ) The Predictive Element ( e ) Cyrus a Subject of Prediction Literature Of all Israel's celebrated prophets, Isaiah is the king. The writings which bear his name are among the profoundest in all literature. One great theme - salvation by faith - stamps them all. Isaiah is the Paul of the Old Testament. 1. Name In Hebrew ישׁעיהוּ , yesha‛yāh...